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Free Shipping on U.S. Orders Over $50 | Limitations apply

Wonderful Crazy Night


Elton’s thirtieth studio album, released in 2016, remastered at world-renowned mastering studio Lurssen Mastering. Featuring the singles "Looking Up," "Wonderful Crazy Night," "Blue Wonderful," "In The Name Of You" & "A Good Heart," reissue remains faithful to the original track listing, packaging, and cut at London’s Abbey Road Studios.

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Track List

A1 Wonderful Crazy Night
A2 In The Name Of You
A3 Claw Hammer
A4 Blue Wonderful
A5 I've Got 2 Wings
B1 A Good Heart
B2 Looking Up
B3 Guilty Pleasure
B4 Tambourine
B5 The Open Chord

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