To Love & Be Loved

After the success of Anne Clark's acoustic tour and the positive reviews of the "Psychometry" album, Anne felt much more comfortable with herself, the live band and the musicians. She moved to the British countryside and found that it was a very special place to live and write. Martyn, Andy and Paul visited her regularly at her cottage and helped her write the songs for "To Love And Be Loved".For Anne, this album represents a very sensitive mixture of acoustic and electronic ideas. In her opinion it is her most successful attempt to combine "commercial" and experimental ideas on a very rounded album.Anne Clark : "To Love And Be Loved" is an album about love on many levels. Love for the beautiful, living world that needs our deepest care. Broken, decaying love leaves nothing but tiny atoms of pain. The love of true friendship, probably the most important of all. Erotic love. Healing love.Each piece a different story. To each listener his own.