

Sorry Sold out

This hot platter is perhaps the lesser known of the series and for this reviewer sets my eardrum into over drive digging the enthralling tempos of the songs. 'Don't Touch' and 'Hey Country Girl' both have a gritty vocal propelled along by a powerhouse band hitting the beat with a stroll tempo. 'Hey Country Girl' feel instrumentation however is less raucous and benefits from a supporting none intrusive vocal group. Following a bluesy guitar introduction 'Down To Tia Juana', has a Mexican inflection and sets the atmosphere for a shuffle with the one you love. This leads into the blues structured 'Just Want A Little Lovin', which brings images of Muddy Waters or Etta James singing about making love to you. All said the top side of the EP will get the girls onto the dance-floor this is guaranteed, the flip side with sexual connotations, sorry we cannot guarantee you will get someone into bed, nonetheless you will find pleasure from this EP.