PAURA: A Collection Of Italian Horror Sounds From The CAM Sugar Archives


PAURA is the new compilation presented by CAM Sugar and Decca Records exploring the music of Italian horror cinema from the ‘70s and ‘80s, featuring rare and unreleased tracks remastered from the original tapes stored in the CAM Sugar archives.

PAURA features some of the most refined and evocative compositions ever written for horror and giallo films, including the likes of Oscar-winning Ennio Morricone, Riz Ortolani, and Stelvio Cipriani, alongside lesser-known composers who changed the course of Italian cinema like Daniele Patucchi, Marcello Giombini, Berto Pisano, and exceptional guests of the caliber of Edda Dell’Orso, the unmistakable vocalist of Ennio Morricone, and Goblin, the prog outfit mostly renowned for their collaboration with Dario Argento.

Exclusive collectors’ box set limited to 2000 numbered copies worldwide including:
• One tombstone-shaped box
• One red splattered 2LP vinyl featuring an alternate cover artwork
• One exclusive 45rpm vinyl featuring 2 bonus tracks: “L’Ossessa” by Marcello Giombini, and “Le Facce della Morte” by Daniele Patucchi (completely unreleased)
• One 24”x36” poster with the original and extended “PAURA” artwork
• One exclusive fanzine featuring a selection of the original film posters


<p>SIDE A</p><p>A1 Ennio Morricone – Mio Caro Assassino – 2:14</p><p>from MIO CARO ASSASSINO / MY DEAR KILLER (1971)</p><p>A2 Bruno Nicolai – La Notte che Evelyn Uscì dalla Tomba (Long Version) – 3:44 feat. Edda Dell’Orso</p><p>from LA NOTTE CHE EVELYN USCÌ DALLA TOMBA / THE NIGHT EVELYN CAME OUT OF THE GRAVE (1971)&nbsp;</p><p>A3 Bruno Nicolai – La Dama Rossa Uccide Sette Volte (Edit) – 2:10</p><p>from LA DAMA ROSSA UCCIDE SETTE VOLTE / THE RED QUEEN KILLS SEVEN TIMES (1972)</p><p>A4 Stelvio Cipriani - Tribal Shake – 1:41</p><p>from REAZIONE A CATENA / A BAY OF BLOOD (1971)</p><p>A5 Stelvio Cipriani – Il Sesso del Diavolo (Finale) – 2:51</p><p>from IL SESSO DEL DIAVOLO / SEX OF THE DEVIL (1971) **</p><p>A6 Stelvio Cipriani – Deviation - M1 – 2:12</p><p>from DEVIATION (1971)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>SIDE B</p><p>B1 Riz Ortolani – L’Etrusco Uccide Ancora (Titoli) – 2:59</p><p>from L’ETRUSCO UCCIDE ANCORA / THE DEAD ARE ALIVE! (1972)</p><p>B2 Daniele Patucchi – Giallo in Tensione – 2:06</p><p>from FRANKENSTEIN ‘80 (1972) *</p><p>B3 Ennio Morricone – Ansimando – 1:51 feat. Edda Dell’Orso</p><p>from MACCHIE SOLARI / AUTOPSY (1975)&nbsp;</p><p>B4 Manuel De Sica - Black Dream – 1:20</p><p>from MYSTERY TOUR (1985)</p><p>B5 Paolo Gatti, AlfonSo Zenga – Cerro Torre – 1:30</p><p>from CESARE MAESTRI: IL RAGNO DELLE DOLOMITI (1980)</p><p>B6 Berto Pisano - Greta – 3:46</p><p>from LA MORTE HA SORRISO ALL’ASSASSINO / DEATH SMILES ON A MURDERER (1973)</p><p>B7 Sante Maria Romitelli - Bambola Sensuale – 2:34</p><p>from LA ROSSA DALLA PELLE CHE SCOTTA / THE SENSUOUS DOLL (1972) *</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>SIDE C</p><p>C1 Adolfo Waitzman – Languidamente – 2:24</p><p>from PENSIONE PAURA / HOTEL FEAR (1978)</p><p>C2 Nico Fidenco – Il Demonio in Convento – 1:38</p><p>from IMMAGINI DI UN CONVENTO / IMAGES IN A CONVENT (1979) **</p><p>C3 Ettore De Carolis - Flavour of Death – 1:42</p><p>from IL CAVALIERE, LA MORTE E IL DIAVOLO (1983)</p><p>C4 Marcello Giombini – Un Gioco per Eveline – M11 – 1:20</p><p>from UN GIOCO PER EVELINE (1971) *</p><p>C5 Carlo Maria Cordio - Absurd – 4:18</p><p>from ROSSO SANGUE / ABSURD (1981)</p><p>C6 Stelvio Cipriani – Devil Dance – 1:20 performed by Goblin</p><p>from UN’OMBRA NELL’OMBRA / RING OF DARKNESS (1979)&nbsp;</p><p>C7 Daniele Patucchi – E Tanta Paura – M2 – 2:19</p><p>from E TANTA PAURA / PLOT OF FEAR (1976) *</p><p>C8 Marcello Giombini – Orinoco: Prigioniere del Sesso – M19 – 0:32</p><p>from ORINOCO: PRIGIONIERE DEL SESSO (1980) *</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>SIDE D</p><p>D1 Franco Micalizzi - Bargain With The Devil #3 – 2:53</p><p>from CHI SEI? / BEYOND THE DOOR (1974) **</p><p>D2 Stefano Liberati - The Prophecy (Vers. A) – 1:47</p><p>from I PENSIERI DELL’OCCHIO (1978)</p><p>D3 Luigi Ceccarelli – Walking Through The Shadows – 4:44</p><p>from DIFENDIMI DALLA NOTTE (1981)</p><p>D4 Daniele Patucchi – Minaccia Sulla Città – 7:15</p><p>from BELVE FEROCI / WILD BEASTS (1984) *</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>* previously unreleased</p><p>** first time on vinyl</p>