It's Cool

The two brand new songs on�It's Cool,�the new single by�Lula Wiles,�explore the complexities of dating in the digital age,�the trio training it's�incisive, trenchant wit�on�the�new ways�we�experience�age-old feelings of disappointment,�desire,�and heartache.�"It's Cool (We're Cool, Everything's Cool),�is�a rollicking,�electric-guitar led�anthem about the�exasperating back-and-forth of loving at a distance, mediated�by�screens and hesitancy.�The�languid, lovelorn�b-side, "You Only Want Me When You Need Me,"�is�a�late-night,�country-tinged lament of conditional love that punctures the pretensions of ambivalent men with the band's uniquely self-aware humor.�With�It's Cool, Lula Wiles further establishes themselves as Americana's wildcard, unafraid of exploring knotty topics and turning convention on it's head.