House At Sea

Amor de D�as is the long-term collaboration between Alasdair MacLean (The Clientele) and Lupe N��ez-Fern�ndez (Pipas). While their debut album�Street of the Love of Days�took three years to make,�The House at Sea�was recorded and mixed in only nine days. The fast pace of the sessions resulted in a rawer, more urgent album, featuring a rhythm section of James Hornsey and Howard Monk, both formerly of The Clientele. The House at Sea�is a snapshot of a year's songs written in London and Madrid. There are pop songs, delirious dream accounts, strange lyrical puzzles, and stories from the city and the suburbs. The theme of the sea threads it's way throughout the record along with a gentle sense of drifting and departure, of being lost, of saudade-a sadness at lost things.