Kid Dynamite

Kid Dynamite's first album was, and always will be a masterpiece. It will influence hardcore bands down the line. Hell, it probably already has. If you loved Lifetime, you'll love this. Or, if you're just looking for a good hardcore listen, pick this up.


1. Pause 2. K05-0564 3. Sweet Shop Syndicate 4. Table 19 5. PH. Decontrol 6. Showoff 7. Bookworm 8. Scarysmurf 9. The Ronald Miller Story 10. Bench Warmer 11. Zuko's Back in Town 12. Never Met the Gooch 13. News at 11 14. 32 Frames Per Second 15. Pacifier 16. 3 O'Clock 17. Shiner 18. Wrist Rocket 19. Fuckuturn