1. Christina Vantzou - at Dawn (2:51) 2. Hot Chip - Nothing's Changed (4:37) 3. Rhythm & Sound Ft Cornell Campbell - King in My Empire (Burial Mix) (6:26) 4. Pale Blue - Have You Passed Through This Night (6:20) 5. Suzanne Kraft - Femme Cosmic (4:43) 6. Fever Ray - to the Moon and Back (4:38) 7. Planningto Rock - Much to Touch (4:42) 8. Charlotte Adigery - 1,618 (5:59) 9. Mike Salta - Hey Moloko (4.05) 10. Matthew Bourne - Somewhere I Have Never Travelled (4:04) 11. Hot Chip - Candy Says (3:31) 12. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Who I Am & Why I Am Where (5:21) 13. Beatrice Dillon - Workaround Two (4:22) 14. Hot Chip - Worlds Within Worlds (5:38) 15. Daniel Blumberg - the Bomb (4:59) 16. Nils Frahm - Ode (4:35) 17. Hot Chip - None of These Things (4:04) 18. Neil Taylor - Finnegan's Wake Excerpt (1:48)