The Best of Luck Club

On her sophomore LP, The Best of Luck Club, 26-year-old Melbourne,�Australia native Alex Lahey navigates the pangs of generational ennui�with the pint half-full and a spot cleared on the bar stool next to her.�Self-doubt, burn out, break-ups, mental health, moving in with her�girlfriend, vibrators: The Best of Luck Club showcases the universal�language of Lahey's sharp songwriting, her propensity for taking the�minute details of the personal and flipping it public through anthemic�pop-punk. Lahey's 2017 debut I Love You Like a Brother encases�Lahey's knack for writing a killer hook and her acute sense of humor�delivered via a slacker-rock package and, in a way, The Best of Luck�Club picks up where that record left off. Lahey co-produced the album�alongside acclaimed engineer and producer Catherine Marks (Local�Natives, Wolf Alice, Manchester Orchestra), and dives headfirst into�a broader spectrum of both emotion and sound through polished,�arena pop-punk in the vein of Paramore with the introspective sheen�of Alvvays or Tegan & Sara. Here, Lahey documents the highest highs�and�the lowest lows of her life to date. After a whirlwind of global�touring in support of breakout debut I Love You Like a Brother, Lahey�wrote the bulk of her follow-up in Nashville during 12-hour days of�songwriting. There, she found the inspiration for The Best of Luck�Club's�concept: the dive bar scene and it's genuine energy. "Whether�you've had the best day of your life or the worst day of your life, you�can just sit up at the bar and turn to the person next to you - who has�no idea who you are - and have a chat. And the response that you�generally�get at the end of the conversation is, 'Best of luck,' so The�Best of Luck Club is that place.


Side 1

# Title Length
A1 I Don’t Get Invited to Parties Anymore 4:08
A2 Am I Doing It Right 4:07
A3 Interior Demeanour 3:48
A4 Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself 4:18
A5 Unspoken History 4:30
B1 Misery Guts 2:33
B2 Isabella 3:37
B3 I Need to Move On 4:13
B4 Black RMs 4:34
B5 I Want to Live With You 4:33