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Apple Core

Kendl Winter is a dreamer of dark clouds. She has a drawer stuffed with stolen socks, she picks banjo and guitar and makes good driving music. Born in Arkansas and based in Olympia, Washington, Kendl twists those instruments into captivating melodies; Apple Core is Kendl Winter's fourth solo album and her first release for K. on this album apples represent temptation, a prize for beauty, a gift for knowledge, gravity, truth, autumn, and harvest. With it's country roots, indie trunk, and sweet soulful sadness fruiting on the branches, Apple Core is mostly sweet with with an occasional bruise.
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Track List

Made It Through the Yellow , Dance Gently on My Grave , Too Much Sugar in My Bellyache , Dr. Tiller , Cotton Skies , I'm a Child , Apple Core/Cocoon Body , Sharp Stones Into the Sea , Waiting for the Taker , On to Me 1 Bluebird to the Mountainside

*See our return policy for details.

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