1. Main Titles - Why Are We Here 2. Cosmic Pickup (Theme 5) 3. Running on the Track 4. Lucy?S Percussion 5. Suit Breach (NBL) 6. We Can Go to My Place 7. The Wake 8. Feel the Feeling 9. Changing Clothes (Alt) 10. Inconsistent ? Liftoff 11. You're Gonna Lose 12. Airport Arrival 13. Lucy Exits Car 14. Feel It All 15. Lucy?S Pressure (Theme 1 H&M Test) 16. Bees 17. Lucy?S Theme (Theme 4) 18. Lucy Floats (Theme 2 Op 174) 19. End Credits Suite 20. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Feat. Lisa Hannigan) 21. Insomnia II ? Cocoon 22. Following Mark 23. Lucy?S Poem 24. Back in Space 25. Homecoming 26. Butterfly 27. Someone Else 28. Bees (Alt Version)