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Quiet River of Dust 2

Music of the spheres: it's a term that refers to the universal harmony generated by celestial bodies in orbit, but it means something different to Arcade Fire's Richard Reed Parry. His musical spheres are floating worlds, 360° embodiments of memory, VR renditions of old family photos. These spheres not only served as metaphorical inspiration for the lyrics of his new project, Quiet River of Dust, but appear throughout the album artwork and, most strikingly, in the films Parry made to be projected in planetarium-style domes to accompany live performances of this music. "It was an idea of a floating world of memory and of a time that only exists insofar as you're able to revisit it in your memory," he explains. "But when you do, it becomes so all-encompassing and immersive that it's like you're stepping into this other world every time." That's as true of his music as it is of any of it's visual representations.
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Track List

The Fiddlers Play , Lost in the Waves , In a Moment , Where Did I Go , It's All Around You , Cups in the Ocean , Throw a Cup of Water , Heaeven for Meg , A Few Last Things , Long Way Back

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