See Now And Know

Old Time Relijun is an unearthly combo from Olympia, Washington. We don't throw words like "genius", "brilliant" or "legendary" around lightly. Nor do we use them to describe Old Time Relijun (though others do). We prefer to see them as "mythical". Their new EP, See Now and Know [KLP272], appears after a mysterious decade-long dormancy, reuniting the classic Catharsis in Crisis [KLP184] lineup featuring bandleader Arrington de Dionyso with Aaron Hartman (upright bass), Germaine Baca (drums) and Benjamin Hartman (saxophone and percussion). This is the band's 9th studio recording and they appear to have exploded spontaneously, pounding together a fiery record, forged from within. Resistance, magic and hope are catalysts for a deeper tunneling under. The songs are typical OTR: sexy, untethered, and sing-along at the edge of the volcano fun. "Dragon Juice" conjures a dance party in a dangerous lair; "I Know I'm Alive" brings an inspired moment on the mountain into sharp, soulful focus; and "El Naranjo Gritando" brings us up close to the big nasty. There is real, palpable urgency in this recording.